The Women in Bitcoin Problem

How do we get more women interested in X is an age-old question that has been applied to science, technology, engineering, politics, econ, finance, sports, Asian men–

And now Bitcoin.

Felix Salmon recently made the case that the lack of females in Bitcoin is a fundamental weakness of the currency. Bitcoin is a technology perfectly suited for socioeconomic problems in developing countries, he says — but held back by poor design.

That’s a product design job, and frankly, it’s a product design job well-suited for women who aren’t approaching the problem while grinding an ideological axe.


Bitcoin’s prime use case is in the most corrupt societies in the world. It needs women, with their sensitive emotional natures, to step in and design a delightful product experience to empower the underserved and unbanked.

I am a woman in Bitcoin. I identify with sub-Saharan African girls about as well as I identify with sub-Saharan African men.

Bitcoin is a first-world solution for third-world problems. It is likely to be well-suited for international remittances in developing nations. But convincing third-world oppressed populations to be early adopters is difficult with any technology, and not simply solved by throwing women at the problem.

The issue isn’t that Bitcoin needs women to step in and solve third-world problems, it’s that it needs people who can solve third-world problems.

This is a subreddit where girls take off their clothes for bitcoin. So, that's one way to get women involved in Bitcoin.
This is a subreddit where girls take off their clothes for bitcoin. So, that’s one way to get women involved in Bitcoin.

Why Bitcoin’s male domination will be its downfall –Fusion

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